Secretaría de Finanzas del Distrito Federal | Presupuesto Basado en Resultados Secretaría de Finanzas del Distrito Federal | Presupuesto Basado en Resultados

Secretaría de Finanzas del Distrito Federal | Presupuesto Basado en Resultados

Logical Framework Methodology

The Logical Framework Methodology (LFM) is a planning tool that allows follow-up and evaluation of the results and impacts of a public program. This methodology aligns the objectives of the budget programs or public programs with the objectives of “Mexico City’s General Development Program (MCGDP)” and is of great importance for decision making.  The results of the LFM are represented in an instrument named Indicators by Results Matrix (IRM).

Elements of the Logical Framework Methodology

The LFM consists of five processes that start on the definition of a Program.  The programs are created in order to solve the specific problems of a group of citizens or a development area, for which, in the first process the problem and those involved are identified.  In its premise it has to mention the affected population or focus group, the description of the central problematic and the quantification of de described situation.  It is important not to confuse the identification of the problem with the absence of a solution or lack of a good or service.  In order to carry out the “Problem Analysis” an instrument named Problem Tree is used and on the other hand, the“Objective Analysis” is applied.


Indicators by Results Matrix

The Indicators by Results Matrix (IRM) is a programs and projects administration instrument that permits the strengthening of the design and execution of budget programs; it forces the definition of objectives, indicators and goals in four levels which are The End, the Purpose, the Components and the Activities.

matriz de indicadores por resultados

Once the Problems and Objectives Analysis is carried out, the “Alternatives Analysis” is done and built.

arbol de problemas

The Problems Tree allows us to identify the causes and effects derived from the existence of the identified problems.

arbol de objetivos
It is a methodology tool that allows us to identify the means and ends to achieve a desired situation. This instrument is presented in direct and equivalent form (like a mirror) of the Problems Tree structure with positive statements.


Conceptual Framework

• Budget
• Results Management
• Results Based Budget (RbB)
• Logical Framework Methodology
• Performance Evaluation System
• Glossary of Terms
• Bibliography


• Constitutional
• Federal
• Local

RbB Breaktroughs

• Budget Structure
• Regulations Framework
• Training
• Indicators
• Evaluations
• IADB Ageement

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